Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kuala Lumpur: I really like it here.

The more time I spend here, the more I like it! It's got something for everyone- gorgeous architecture, expensive malls, cheap malls, delicious food, markets, culture- and everything is cheap! I really, really like Kuala Lumpur.

Today we went to the Petronas Towers to visit the "skybridge" and were told the only available time was at 5:30 PM. We had no idea the skybridge was so popular, or that KL would be so congested with tourists on March 31st. A strange time to visit, I would think, unless you were a teacher in Korea at the end of your contract. But no! All rich tourists around that part of town (the twin towers are also home to the fanciest mall in the city).

Anyway, we got our *free* tickets for 5: 30 and went in search of a place we heard existed in this city: Wendy's. WENDY'S!

Patrick had never been to Wendy's as they don't have them in Ireland. There are plenty of McDonald's, KFC's and Burger King's in Korea, but no Wendy's (although I believe there are some in Japan). That means I have officially been Wendy's deprived for far too long a time, and after all my talk about it, Patrick was sufficiently intrigued.

We didn't really know where it was; I just knew it existed because a friend of mine had been here over Christmas and had posted pictures of Wendy's food (he had also been deprived for some time) all over his facebook photo album. So, first we asked a police officer. He said proooobably we would find it in Times Square (yes, KL has a Times Square). But where was Times Square?

We went to the tourist information centre. The man gave us a map and told us to take the monorail (yes, KL has a monorail... monorail... MONORAILLLLLL! Oh my. Excuse my bursting into Simpson's show tunes, please.) to Times Square.

We arrived in Times Square. Another big mall, with many levels. We checked the map. Where is the Wendy's? No Wendy's on the mall map; it must be outside in the street. We stepped out and asked the security guard. He told us Wendy's actually was in the mall, on the third level. Hallelujah! We finally found the Wendy's! My spicy chicken sandwich, baked potato and frosty tasted extra good today.

Afterwards, we took a walk in the city's forest reserve, had a cup of tea at the base of the KL Tower (which looks a lot like Namsan Tower in Seoul), and walked back to the mall at the Petronas to catch one last movie before our trip to the skybridge. When we arrived to the skybridge entrance area, we were first ushered into a small theatre where we watched a 3-D short film about how great Petronas, the main petroleum company in Malaysia is, and all the wonderful things they do for the community. Blah blah blah. They failed to mention anything remotely environmental and didn't spend any time during the film talking about their mall filled with brand name designer stores. Imagine that.

The Petronas Towers have 88 floors, and they remain the tallest set of twin buildings in the world. They are no longer the tallest building in the world; that honour now belongs to Teipei. And, of course, the CN Tower in Toronto is still the tallest tower in the world. They discuss all this beforehand.

We didn't go all the way to the 88th floor as the skybridge is located on the 44th, right in the centre of the two buildings. Great view, but a bit disappointing because we wanted to go all the way up. We asked who occupied the top floor and a worker said "Uhhh... I think the Prime Minister?"

Anyways, the computer is not letting me put up any pictures today so KL will have to make their appearance another time. We are off to Taman Negara National Park tomorrow for another bit of trekking as well as some fishing! Looking forward to it, but I hate to leave this super cool city. It's just as well. I have no money to spend on shopping, and that's what this place is all about.

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